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Saturday, March 27, 2010
Troy the smart

Troy: I think your favourite cartoon character must be Hello Kitty!
Troy: Cus it has no nose..
Yueqi: ???

LOL! What an ass!

I was looking at my calendar today and I realise that exams are less than a month away! Seriously, where did all the time go to?! /: I'm like suuuupppper behind in my school work (Read: 18 overdue webcasts from different modules). Consumer Behavior final project is sucking up all my time too. Can't think of another module that's more aptly named (CB!)

But the happy thing is that after the exams, three months of luxurious summer holidays begin! (: At the end of May, I'll bid goodbye to Burberry and its hello HK and TW! ((:

I've also impulsively signed up for Korea Summer Exchange at Korea U. Sadly though, becks isn't gg and hwee has pulled out so I'm going all aloneeee! Abit daunting but I'm excited all the same (: Just found out that two of my juniors from Crescent will be in Korea's Yonsei Uni as well so at least there'll be familiar faces somewhere! (: CK, my sis and ZN will also be going to K with me before sch starts to play! I feel about crazy but I'll be letting myself down if I don't at least go on an exchange programme once in my uni life...

So just one more month of shit before sunshine comes round again! (:

Some photos from SK's bday (:

I'm too lazy to upload photos from jojobobo's bday! I <3 her polaroid pictures!!

Anw, I saw this in Readers Digest and I think its super funny:

"Arguments with the wife that starts with "What do you mean by that?" never ends with "I understand what you mean now.""

in the name of love.
3:44 PM