Wednesday, September 27, 2006
And so the first day of promos is over. Thats 2 down! :D
I think I kinda screwed up my GP cause it was too damn hot in the hall to even think. Yes I swear it was like being trapped in a 1X1m box or sth it is bloody damn hot and I was sweating like mad. And allllllllllllll our papers are in the damn hall. WTH.
Anw, I didn't finish my econs paper cause I had a hell of a painful gastric attack. Like of all times. At first it was just a little pain so I thought I could deal. But after that, I got really dizzy and my hands were shaking like mad so I really couldn't carry on. Stuck in the hall halfway through an exam, I think its been a long time since I felt this scared. I didn't know what to do and the hall was spinning around me. Nightmarish.
My wonderful, always-rising-to-the-occasion Dad came to pick me up and brought me to the doctor. haha thanks dad! The doctor was damn funny my dad went to say something along the lines of "Oh my daughter was in the middle of an exam and she fainted!" and the doctor thought I was too damn stressed (who wouldn't judging on the way my dad said it) so she insisted I should call the hotline to Twinkle Friend for some counselling HAHAHAHAH! damnn funny! Then she checked me, took my weight, told me to eat more and sleep more, and wished me good luck. lol. She's nice!
So I took her advice and went home and slept for like, three hours! Sometimes I really wish I can just sleep forever.
No, I am not suicidal.
Oh yes, a big thankyou to everyone who msged/called me! (: <3!
back to chem!
Monday, September 25, 2006
I think I just took twice the strength I take every morning to force myself out of bed to break a cube off my Toblerone. And I sprained my finger too.
Remind me never to put Toblerone in the freezer.
Anw, did anyone see this Jurong JC maths notes booklet anywhere?! I stole them from my sister and I lost it and now she's hopping mad at me. Whoops! And my Tutorial 7b is inside toooo. ugh! If anyone saw it, please please please tell me! I'll give you er, Toblerone in return! :D
Tmr's the start of Promos and I'm like, half prepared? I should just get used to this feeling. There'll never come the day where I'll say things like "Oh yueqi, you've done all the preparation you can possibly do! Go for it man!".
Most of the time its "Oh no yueqi. you are... (speechless). JUST PRAY LAH!"
I'll survive this! jiayou and all the best to fellowJ1 earthlings!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
As I blog, I am feeling sarcastic, hopeless, miserable and hungry. So beware.
Two o'clock in the morning and I am sitting in front of the computer, mentally exhasuted by the flurry of activity presented by the whole load of annoying graphs swimming in the tiny margin between my skull and the human skin because those pesky bits of infomation just refuse to enter my brain.
They say self propaganda always works; It's all in the mind,
all in the mind.I am hardworking galzx number one! I love studying! I love econs! I love chem! I love maths! And guess what, I absolutely adoreeeeeeee bio! The eukaryotic genome has brought me endless fascination that has enriched my life to the power of infinity!
No, it doesnt work /:
Sighzxz. Life, the way I want it.
Love it.
go yueqi!
go everyone!
okay off to find food! At least I can eliminate "hungry" from the list of I-wanna-kill-people moods. hehheh.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Today's one of those A+ days (: Even as I was walking home just now, I looked up and I saw clouds in the shape of number 9! Like !!! :D CLOUD NINE! You know? Equals HAPPY!
But anyway, I think its just causeeee.. I HAD ENOUGH SLEEP! (cause I didn't go to school yesterday) Without sleep, I am a zombie.
Anw, this morning, YueQi got up early and so she decided to go to school early. She saw 66, so as usual, she boarded it.
"Strange eh, today no hc people on the bus!"
"Is it a holiday?!"
"Obviously not"
She sat down sleepily on the bus and was falling asleep when...
the bus turned left from Serene Centre instead of going straight!
My god! My first thought was that there was some road block or sth thats why the bus was taking some weird route but I realise thats really dumb so I checked the bus ticket and to my horror, I realise I was on bus 48! !@#$%!@#$% How in the world the bus suddenly changed number, I also don't know! By the time my brain came to the conclusion that I was on the wrong bus, the bus had gone about three stops down so I had to walk like ten miles all the way back. AND I WAS LATE FOR SCH AGAIN! wth. So much for being early.
After that, I realise I was really dumb. No hc people is already an obvious telltale sign. When all the passengers were St Marg's girls, I should bloody hell have known I'm on a bus that I'm not supposed to be on! Mannn.
After that it was lessons but all was quite slack so it was alright. After that, the unbelievable happened! Dr Siva treated us to drinks in the canteen during CT! Everyone go
"OMG that can't be happening!"But anw,
it happened. When he said "After this, lets all go to the canteen to take a break. I'll buy drinks for everybody!", WHOO! My jaw dropped for five seconds and I had to manually push it back. I think I saw Sean screwing his jaws back too it dislocated hahahahah!
But it was really nice of him! Plus he let us off early too so yay! (:
Mugging session at Reading Room with Sean, Soph, ChrisSeah, Simon, Eunice, Terry, Claire and Yong. Stupid ChrisSeah just wouldnt stop niaoing me that noise pollutant haha. But thanks alot for your help in maths! Though you niaoed me 20 times before answering each one..
Sean looks like an eskimo in his pullover!
Peace and Quiet after the ChrisSeah left! (: heeee. Soph and I shifted to the front cause the back of the Reading Room was like a freezer! My hands were freezing, my legs were freezing and so were my brains! brrr.Then, dinner at Thai Noodle House with Soph, Sean and Yong! Get well soon Yong!
okay. Back to doing the 101 things I'm supposed to do!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
MooMoo is soooooooooooooo cute I have the urge to just, outline all the spots on his body with a zebra marker!! =D But that horrible fat dog is still teething he just sank his teeth into my hand. One more month before he upgrades from a pup to a teenage doogy! (:
Anw, hes really gross he likes to lick my knee abrasion! My mom told me to let him lick so I just let him and then my sister went like "Animal Instinct! It's trying to cure you!" and I was thinking "omg that is so cute" and then the stupid MooMoo went to bite my woundddddddddddddddddd! Wahlao I jumped like ten feet into the air. So much for animal instinct this lousy dog! hahah!
Today was sibling-bonding day spent at JE library together with my sister and brother (: Basically, we were like eating more than studying lah! /: darn I knew this will happennn! hahaha.
So my kiasu sister dragged us out of bed at nine and insisted we gotta reach JE library by ten cause everyone chiongs there. We reached at a record breaking-10.10, put our bags down, and then headed for breakfast at Long Johns' Silver! Honestly I never knew their breakfast was that good! (: Two huge, thick thick slices of toast with this heavenly chicken patty, egg and cheese plus a hashbrown and a cup of coffee! Initially I was grumpy from waking up so early but I became tons happier after eating that. hehheh! :D
And on our way back, my sister asked,
"eh you all wanna got ntuc buy food?"
Brother and I: Anything lor.
Sister: hmm actually I got this huge packet of suan mei, toblerone, ricola and fisherman's friend!
Brother: I got lollipops and Warheads!
Me: hee hee I got Fruitips!
And all of us burst out laughing! See how greediness runs in the genes! lol.
At around three, my brother lamented that he was hungry. Don't ask me how his digestive system works haha I was still damn full please. So anw, we went to eat the duck noodles that my sister raved about for the past two years! It was pretty good toooo but I couldnt finish mine so my brother vacuumed everything up. He's really only helpful in this aspect lol I dont know how he stays so skinny when he eats like a dinosaur!
Mugged a little more while my sister kept distacting me with CLEO magazines that annoying girl and then my Dad called at five plus and told us to cab home cause my Mom cooked her super nice fish and chicken porridge and she wanted us to go home and eat! So we abandoned our work and cabbed home for dinner /:
And one day is over just like that! This is so scary. Time always flies when you don't want it to.
Like for example, the ten minutes to chiong two questions for some test passes DAMN FAST its never long enough.
But the ten minutes before lecture ends for break is like, damnnnnnnnnn long! Ten rounds round the stupid clockface!
Life, the way we want it. /:
Though the works of historic biologists are positively brilliant, at this unfortunate point of time, I can't help but wish I was present ten thousand years ago in the foreign land of We-discovered-DNA to silence all their research on Genetics so no one ever knew the existence of the Genome and the 2194983968979693964305843 minute things that exist with it.
What in the world is a genome, you ask?
Don't ask me, I can't tell you either.
I am lost somewhere in the complexity of these helluva crap.
You know, I'm really amazed that no matter how nano they are (like millions zillions in a pinhead), they sure as hell store a whole lot of even nano-er stuff.
It is unbelievable.
Such is the wonder of The Living Things.
Mr Metal Chair, are you jealous?
What about Appreciation for the building blocks of life in The Human Body, did you say?
Rightttt. Situational Irony. I'll try harder, really.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Since I'm waiting for my mp3 to finish charging, I decided to browse blogs to kill time and when I went to ChrisSeah's.. MAN! Valerie and Sam's tags on his board made me realise I should savour today more than ever!
And so I feel compelled to declare that I had a blissful day of pure peace today! :D
Why? Cause I didn't go to school!
And then?I didn't see ChrisSeah!
And so?He couldn't niao me!
What a delightful day (:
okay that was purely crap.
Anw, the main point of blogging now is to congratulate my brother for his good results for Prelims! He improved from 72 to 47 in his level position! Crazy lah! That's like my class position or sth.
All the best for your upcoming psle my mugger brother! :D <3!
Friday, September 15, 2006
jan the man just told me she dreamt of me last night!
But..., she dreamt I was mocking her for sth-that-must-not-be-publicized! But like hellooooo, I am so nice! Do I even mock people? :D :D :D hehhehheh.
And she just sent me this very annoying song by Chemical Brothers! (thankyou!) Apparently its supposed to "crack me up" but er, I dont see how when they sound like they are repeating the same phrase over and over! hahahahahah! :P Okay but after a while its gets kinda stuck in your head. Still, its an annoying song!
haha if Shaz reads this she will go, "you are being contradictory
again you dodo bird!" :D
To digress, I reallyyyyyy hate my EOM. I dont even feel like correcting it even though I know its scattered with flaws. Haiyah.
PROMOS IS TEN DAYS AWAY!Ahhh I feel like yanking all my hair out when I think of that.
Chem revision lecture tmr! At an unearthly eight in the morning! yawns! Its 1.46 now so that leaves me with about 5 hours of sleep /: pffft.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
hello world!
Today was a pretty okay day in school cus for once, my eyelids didn't give up on me and I stayed awake most of the time during lessons (: But that's because I slept the whole day yesterday lah. Like from sixthirty in the afternoon until twelve midnight and I woke up for half an hour before sleeping til six thirty the next day. omg I'm such a pig!
After school some of us played soccer heh and mannn, my shoes are soo lousy that it not only didnt cushion my feet, the friction between the soles and my feet made two big blisters pop out at my big toes ): Annoying! And the tiny scrape on my knee nearly killed me when I was bathing. hahahah. But it was funnnn! Being a noob first timer at soccer, I er, tripped over the ball and fell. So smart right! lol. Okay I shouldnt even write this on my blog.
Think I'm shan't appear in school tmr! Through some careful evaluation, I figured my sleep is more important! heeeee.
okay I'm off to bed!
Goodnight world!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
After an entire day at the wonderful Reading Room of hcjc, I declare that half my brain is fried /: For everyone else, I think their entire brain is fried. Please infer my productivity rate from the above sentence. /: /: /:
I know, I know. I'll reflect on my audacious behavior!
But I should just be glad half my brain is fried. Coffee is really miraculous. At first I was soooo sleepy I tell you! But after one cup of the stupendous, mystical drink from the fabulous Stall no. 10, I felt like, tons better! :D
Anw, there was this super hilarious thing that happened that I MUST blog about! HAHAHAHAH!
Outside the toilet
Shueli: OMG what's that! (-points)
(everyone looks at the floor)
(everyone stares)
(everyone examines closely)
Shueli: OMG its someone's pet tortoiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Someone squashed it!
(everyone's jaw dropped)
OMG I swear I really nearly died laughing!!!!
And to introduce the main character:
The Famous unfortunate "Squashed Tortoise":
Tell me if Shueli is cute or cute!
She thought someone's pet tortoise crawled there and then got squashed and fossilised in the cement floor outside the Level One toilet! This girl is brilliant, really. HAHAHAH! :D
But admittedly, it was really dark at that point of time so I half believed it was a squashed tortoise! It really looks like lah! Scare me.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Yawns I feel like sleeping nowwwwww.
Mugging today with my brother, WahToon, ChanKeet, Robert and Sean at library @ esplanade. hahah! What a weird combination right! Anw, I really think wahtoon and my brother should be the best of friends cause they both act like they are twelve! But then, my brother is
really twelve but that wahtoon.. :D hehheh. You know what happened! Halfway in the quiet quiet library where everyone was diligently studying, we suddenly heard a loud BOO! and when we turned, we saw my dumbo brother and wahtoon emerging from behind the shelves sheepishly. hahahah!
Turns out they were trying to scare each other. -.- lol.
Then we left at around seven plus while the guys went to LAN. Was quite okay lah I finished my Chem Skill A and my bonding ws! yay!
Let's rewrite an ending that fits,
Saturday, September 09, 2006
MooMoo is damnnnn gross! Today my whole family was out so poor MooMoo was left alone in the house in its playpen and when we came back...
Omg its was really really really really really (X ten million times) GROSS LAH! That toothead dog stepped ALL over its own shit so it was stuck, gross and dried, allll over the floor and some of it, he kicked it OUT of the cage and others were clustered at one corner and whoa, I didn't know
soooooooooo much shit could come out of
one dog! Plus yesterday my Mom gave him some soya beans to eat for proteins and that dog DOESNT BITE HIS FOOD! So you could see the beans studding his shit. UGHHHHHH I nearly died!
And so my brother and I put our shirts over our noses, took a deep breath, and entered the war zone. Stupid brother- his involvement was as usual ALOT of help. I clean like a mad girl anddddd...
he hands me the tissue /: Call himself a man! hahahah.
Anw today HuiXin got grounded by her Mom so we didnt go out in the end. Cheer up girl we'll head out with nut again soon! My whole family wanted to go shopping at JEC but I figured I should go mug or sth since I didnt study the day before so I went to TP library. Sean came later but there were no more seats in the library so he went to Delifrance and I was bored stiff trying to get work done and I gave up at about five plus and went to Delifrance to talk rubbish with him haha. Anw, he showed me the lyrics to this song by Snow Patrol and its damnnnn sad!
I'll sing it one last time for you Then we really have to go You've been the only thing that's right In all I've done And I can barely look at you But every single time I do I know we'll make it anywhere Anyway from here (away from here) Light up, light up As if you have a choice Even if you cannot hear my voice I'll be right beside you dear Quite a nice song (:
And, Hongfei sent me some more of Jay's songs and they are real nice! PLUS he say he'll lend me his Tao Ze CD! yippee! (:
Tmr's the last day of the holidays ):
Friday, September 08, 2006
hahahahahahaha I think my brother's classmates are hilarious! He was telling me today that for his chinese oral, a picture with a drain was given to them and omg, the things they say! HAHAHAH! One of them actually said "LONG-KANG!" to the examiner! OMG LOL lah! If I'm the examiner I think I will die laughing! And another one said "shui long tou" as in tap instead of "shui long gou"! WAHHH I laughed like mad when he told me that! Damn funny! :D
Today I went to school early for the Chem mock promo paper at a unearthly hour of nine! haha. Okay, not excatly very unearthly lah but I was damn tired! :D So even though I woke up at seven in an attempt to at least look through my notes, I dragged myself out of bed, slapped some water on my unruly hair, randomly took a set of chem notes with my eyes still closed, slumped on the sofa...
and continued sleeping. Please remind me not to even try the next time. lol. And I woke up at 8.20 in the end and had to rush like mad. !@#$% haha.
After the paper, we had bio tutorial which was pretty okay! I finally understood the viruses notessssssss! yay! I could almost hear a "tink!" when everything started to make sense! :D Big thanks to my darling crankyyy! :D She was patiently explaining some stuffs to me and all! After that ZhuTing and I left earlier cause shes meeting the softballers and I went to find my brother cause he (the mugger) complained he was bored at the library. I ended up sleeping there for more than an hour though! whoops!
Tmr I think I'll be meeting HuiXin and Coconuttttttttttt at Harbour Front's Subway!
Anw, Steph sent me some of her favourite new songs of Jay Chou and they're all quite nice! Man, I really think Jay Chou rocks! (:
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Mugging these few days have sucked the essence of life out of me. A quick flip of the calender tells me there are only eighteen more days to promos. A reality check tells me there isn't enough time for me to work a miracle. Today's a whooping Thursday.
): ): ): /:
Everyone say "Oh noooooooooo"
ooh but we have two consultation days this September. On the 22nd and 25th I think. I wonder what mental state I will be in when that time comes. Maybe I'll have become a mental nut case and I'll be exempted from Promos! After which I will spontaneously recover and live happily ever after!
To digress, I read sth on bananas and now I know why they make us feel happy!! Got scientific reason one okay! It's becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee they contain something called Endorphins! Cool huh. Gives us an endorphin high for a wonderful day! :D :D :D
OHHHHHHHHH and I finally passed a Chem lecture test and scraped a B! Considering blocks where my overall marks were suspiciously and pathetically similar to Soph's MCQ score.. hahahah!
My brains are fried. I think I'm going to sleep.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Library today with Yeow KaiLing! hahah! It was pretty productive and all cause we got there at eleven, mugged til around one, went Carl's Junior for lunch, and then we mugged all the way to five thirty! So pro right! MUAHAHA. Nah actually the hour after lunch I was feeling damn sleepy and stony so yeah, not really counted. hehheh. Oh yes, I saw Simon they all there too! So coincidental!
After that I left at around six to meet up with my ulp mates (: It has really been a long time since I went out with them and some of them look really different! haha. Steph Amdis Deborah Adeline KahJoon KheeRui and Me! We ate at Cafe Cartel and I was damn full cause none of them wanted to eat the bread! hahah! So I ate everything! The bread is damn nice btw (: After that we sat by the Singapore River to talk rubbish :D KahJoon told us this pparticularly retarded ant joke hahahahaha and KheeRui told us this scary ghost story about the Red House. ee lah I was quite scared just now when I was in the lift. Whoops.
Oh well. It was good to meet up with them. At first I was quite apprehensive cause it has really been a long time since we met up! I'm scared of awkward silences! But after a while, I realise they are still the same! KahJoon the quiet gentlemanly guy, KheeRui the super lame one, Steph and Amdis and I the typical girls school girls who talk damn loudly, Adeline the cool and steadddddy one, and cute deborah! We're shall meet up for Christmas yah!
BRAVO 04! (:
You know, unknowingly, I really think you have the power of affecting me- how I feel, and my emotions altogether. Dont get me wrong, I am not talking about someone I like nor have a huge crush on or anything. Its just someone different. Hard as I try to read you and decipher your character, I still dont know what kind of person you are after so long. Youre like ever changing. Every time I talk to you, I get confused. Who the hell are you?
I dont want to talk to you anymore. I hate the way you confuse me and make me think about things which I know arent true and cannot be true and yet, with all my impracticality, still hold a fraction of a possibility. From today onwards, I wont let myself be confused anymore because I am out of it. All this time, I allowed you to manipulate my thoughts because I have been dreaming, and in dreaming, I unconsciously fitted pieces of my dreams into scenes of my life. But we all know dreams and reality dont go together. But really, I am clear about what I want now. And what I want isnt what you can give me.
Friendships like this won't work. I dont understand you. You wouldnt let me.
Aiyah confused galzx number one lah.
I'm going to sleep.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Todays a wonderful family day! :D
You knowwww, I really love my family! I think I'll feel weird saying "I Love You Mom" and "I Love You Dad" to them like all of the sudden so I'll just type it out here and hope they get the telephatic signal from their dearest wonderful daughter! :D
Pardon the lovey-doveyness of this entry (:
Anw, my Dad brought us to eat dimsum at DragonGate Restaurant today! Andddd, I swear I'm never gonna touch dimsum again for another year. I ate like countless siewmais and the prawn thing and paus and porkribs and alot of other dimsums and by the time I left, the sight of a mere siewmai can make me go O.O. And then you people will ask, why in the world did you stuff your face silly?! And I'll tell you- its a buffet mah! Must eat ALOT then value for money! hahahahah!
And this is my favourite! The seaweed wrap with crunchy juicy prawns inside! I think I ate like, five of them! :D Yummy! Doesn't look very appetizing eh? But its oh-so-yummy yummy!

And some other random photos (:



Another one! Stupid sister she looks so young! Can you believe shes 20?!

Andddd, my parents and I!
No prize for guessing who I inherited my small eyes from /:
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Hiatus no more! :D I figured blogging has become kind of a habit soooo, to hell with discipline! I shall blog whenever I like! (:
hehheh. Yep today met Eunice, Val, Yong and Sean to study at explanade again. Sorry I made you guys meet at ten even though the library opens are eleven! :D hahahah! But you see, the concept of "The Early bird catches the Worm" is very relevant in the "We are Kiasu Aunties" world! And all hail The Great Yueqi! Because by 11.09, allll the tables in the library were filled already! AND, we had a table to ourselves! Tee Hee Hee! Aren't we powerful? x)
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHITTTTTTTT I just sent a mms meant for Joanne to ck cause her name was saved as "crappyjo"! Ahhhh. I hate the scroller or whatever you call that on Sony Ericsson phones! It lags and I always send stuff to wrong people!
Okay nvmm. Back to the mugging session! :D We studied (dilligently) until lunchtime then Val, Eunice and I went Marina Square to eat while Yong and Sean stayed back to look aft the stuff and finish up the tutorial they were doing. Then we da-baoed Carl's Junior back for them where they had a romantic lunch at the Rooftop Terrace. HAHAHA. Sorry that was just to niao Sean =P
Val and Yong left earlier so the remaining of us mugged til around 5 plus then Sean left for Soph's church BBQ and then Eunice left to go home and be a cook (heh) so I stayed all alone, sad and miserable, til around six plus when my parents came to pick me up for dinner. hahahah! Yummy dinner at Tiong Bahru Market! :D
And its dimsum buffet tmr with the family! After that, if I'm still mobile and if I feel like it, I'll go mug at tp library with my brother and Sean (if hes there).
My brother is damnnnnnnnnnn hardworking! only PSLE and he studies at the library everyday! STEADY GUY MAN!
Just a tad too greedy!

You know the other day when I brought him to Macs, he ate a McSpicy Burger (above), a Double Cheese Burger, some of my fries, a Sundae and a cone over a span of three hours? AND, he is STILL underweight! What the..
Anddddd OH MY MAMA! Am I seeing double?!?!?!
HAHAHAHAH! So funny right!
And there you go! Ones my brother (top) and one is my sister (jie mei)! (bottom)
Missed Soph's BBQ today! Sorry Soph! Hope you had a great timeeeeeee! (: